YieldNodes NFT Vulnerability Issue has been resolved. Updated NFTs will be sent out end of May.
YieldNodes identified a security vulnerability that was exploited by malicious actors and mitigated right away. Now an updated version of NFTs has been minted and issued. The NFTs will be transfered to their rightful owners starting end of May 2024. This will be completed within 2 weeks and YieldNodes NFTs will become fully tradable and transferable once again, allowing for greater flexibility and liquidity for NFT owners.
Please be aware after update the only YieldNode NFT contract is
It can be found here on polygonscan.
NFT Markets
YieldNodes NFT are be fully transferable again.
In the past YieldNodes NFTs have been vastly transfered and furtheron will not limited to a single marketplace but can be viewed and traded across several prominent platforms and marketplaces:
- Unick.io – Marketplace aggregator
- Magic Eden – NFT Marketplace
- OKX Exchange – NFT Marketplace
- Tofu NFT – NFT Marketplace
The list of marketplaces showcasing YieldNodes NFTs doesn’t end there. Excitingly, the project’s team is actively working to expand its presence and accessibility across additional marketplaces. By continuously pursuing new partnerships and collaborations, YieldNodes ensures that its NFTs will find their way to even more platforms, widening the range of opportunities to engage with.
YieldNodes NFT Claiming Phase has ended December 31, 2023
YieldNodes NFT claiming phase has ended December 31, 2023. With this step, no further claims for NFTs will be accepted. YieldNodes is completing the process of reissuing NFTs to their legitimate owners, marking the end of the NFT claiming phase. This will be completed by End of May 2024.
NFT Vulnerability issue and resolution (Q1/2024)
YieldNodes identified a security vulnerability that was exploited by malicious actors on a very small scale and mitigated right away. YieldNodes is actively working to recover the compromised YieldNodes NFTs and restore the rightful owners to their rightful positions. Trading of NFTs is, for security reasons, temporarily suspended until we are 100% sure it’s safe and bulletproof and will resume after. What is important to note is that this security breach is not YieldNodes NFT specific but rather a vulnerability spanning NFT contracts in general across a multitude of blockchains and addresses. For additional details, please refer to information that can be obtained here: https://blog.thirdweb.com/vulnerability-report/
YieldNodes has taken swift action in response to this malicious attempt. We have immediately locked the YieldNodes NFT collection and initiated an investigation into the source of the hacker attack.
NFT Update and Enhancements
YieldNodes team has diligently worked to address the vulnerability identified in the NFT release and related projects. This extensive effort included a thorough manual review of thousands of NFTs to guarantee accuracy in ownership and the resolution of any issues. We are content to announce that the deployment of the updated and secure NFTs is scheduled for the coming days, currently expected to be before the end of March.The entire collection will undergo a complete re-issuance to their rightful owners, effectively resolving all concerns. Further information in the February Update https://yieldnodes.com/yieldnodes-february-2024-update/
1. The YieldNodes NFT
means each non-fungible token to be issued by YieldNodes for the purpose of the Transaction, representing the unique, specific and particular YieldNode Account against which each such YieldNodes NFT is issued. Especially distributed for YieldNoders to be traded on accessible for marketplaces like e.g. opensea. It can also be traded privately and transferred from one user to another.
YieldNodes NFTs have been created with deeply audited and highly common smart contracts. The YieldNodes NFT Terms & Conditions can be found here.
It can be found here on polygonscan.
previous contract was 0x198D38c5f21eAb36731D0576560440f70cBD9418
There are scammers out there offering YN NFTs – please always check on the contract.
2. What is an NFT basically?
An NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token, which is a type of digital asset that represents something unique or one-of-a-kind. Think of it like a digital certificate of ownership that verifies you own a specific piece of content.
Unlike other digital assets, like Bitcoin, which are fungible and interchangeable, NFTs are unique and cannot be replicated. So, if you buy an NFT, you are the only person who owns that specific digital certificate. NFTs have become popular as a way to monetize and trade digital assets.
YieldNodes NFT means each non-fungible token to be issued by YieldNodes for the purpose of the Transaction, representing the unique, specific and particular YieldNodes account against which each such YieldNodes NFT is issued. Please note the hash written on the YieldNodes NFT certificate is for internal YieldNodes purposes related to the account and not a polygon or any other wallet address!

3. YieldNodes NFT FAQ
The YieldNodes NFT Vulnerability Issue has been resolved. Updates NFTs will be sent out end of May.
YieldNodes identified a security vulnerability that was exploited by malicious actors and mitigated right away. Now an updated version of NFTs has been minted and issued. The NFTs will be transfered to their rightful owners starting end of May 2024. This will be completed within 2 weeks and YieldNodes NFTs will become fully tradable and transferable once again, allowing for greater flexibility and liquidity for NFT owners.
Please allow for the NFTs a 72 hours delivery time. The NFT claim period has ended. All remaining claimed NFTs will be sent out in the reissuance phase in March 2024.
The deadline to claim your Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is set for 24:00 UTC+2 on January 1, 2024. While this action is not obligatory, we strongly advise you to proceed as it carries significant advantages.
Failure to claim your NFT by the specified deadline will result in the token being subject to burn, which subsequently eliminates your capability to transfer or self-host your certificate. This is an important aspect to consider as retaining these rights will facilitate your participation in future opportunities.
It’s noteworthy to mention that these NFTs are the primary assets that will be reintegrated into the YNP (working title) with preferential treatment. They will have precedence and won’t be associated with any fees during this process.
We emphatically recommend that you take ownership of your NFT. More benefits are expected to be unveiled in the future, enhancing the value and potential of your NFT holdings. We believe this to be a worthwhile action that aligns with your best interest.
The YieldNodes NFT Terms & Conditions can be found here.
As mentioned in the YieldNodes NFT Terms & Conditions under 3.2(b) the repurchasing price is 120% of the Issue Price of the YieldNodes NFT assuming the repurchase of the YieldNodes NFT one (1) year from the date of issuance, provided that the repurchase price shall be adjusted pro rata if the Date of Repurchase is extended or brought forward in accordance with paragraph 3.2(a)
As mentioned in the YieldNodes NFT Terms & Conditions under 3.2(b) the repurchasing price is 120% of the Issue Price of the YieldNodes NFT assuming the repurchase of the YieldNodes NFT one (1) year from the date of issuance, provided that the repurchase price shall be adjusted pro rata if the Date of Repurchase is extended or brought forward in accordance with paragraph 3.2(a).
Your account will remain open throughout the process, and there will be a possibility of conversion to YNP when the time comes. It’s important to note that selling the claim will not be possible until YNP initiates a conversion. NFT holders will enjoy additional benefits.
The YieldNodes NFT is not subject to volatility like many other NFTs traded on markets. Infact the Terms / Conditions state a repurchasing price. You have to be cautious on your wallets security, to keep you wallet keys safe and be cautious on where to connect you wallet to and to not take part in suspicious transactions.
In YNP, a significant action for future Masternoding is foreseen. Our team is diligently preparing for this event, and we can share further details at a later point. We’re committed to ensuring a smooth and successful execution, all while keeping your best interests in mind. Stay tuned for further updates.
Your account will remain open throughout the process, and there is a possibility of conversion to YNP when the time comes. It’s important to note that selling the claim will not be possible until YNP initiates the conversion.
At the current moment, we regret to inform you that it is not possible to proceed with the request as each YieldNodes NFT represents an individual account. Further action will be taken in consideration to enhance the dashboard in the future.
Currently, we regret to inform you that it is not possible as each YieldNodes NFT represents an individual account. YieldNodes team is looking into potential solutions for the near future to address this topic.
4. YieldNodes NFT Tutorials and Community Videos
In this video we take a look at how you can link your Ledger cold wallet to your Metamask account, so you can securely display your balances and manage your transactions.
In this video we take a look at how to claim your YieldNodes NFT using a METAMASK Wallet.
In todays video we take a look at the new tutorial on how to list your YieldNodes NFT for sale on MagicEden.
In todays video we take a look at the new tutorial on how to purchase a YieldNodes NFT that is listed for sale on MagicEden.
I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo
In today’s video we take a look at the new updates from Yield Nodes.
In this video we take a look at how to claim your Yield Nodes NFT using a Ledger Cold Wallet.
In today’s video we take a look at the new updates from YieldNodes.
🚀 In diesem spannenden Video wird ein NFT von YieldNodes auf den Ledger gesendet.
take a look at how to claim your YieldNodes NFT using a TRUST mobile wallet.
Financial Insider zeigen Euch in diesem Video, was konkret getan werden muss, um den NFT zu erhalten.
In todays video we take a look at the new updates from YieldNodes.
YieldNodes – wie finde ich mein NFT auf Opensea? Und wie füge ich es in der Metamask hinzu?
Nachdem YieldNodes dir das NFT zugesendet hast, solltest du es auf opensea sehen. Wenn nicht: wo findest du es? Und wie fügst du es anschließend in deiner Metamask hinzu?
5. How to claim your personal NFT:
Step 1: Get a web 3 address on the Polygon chain
One of the wallet solutions we recommend is Metamask. Metamask is a simple web browser extension e.g. in Chrome or Firefox. Also available as mobile app that allows you to manage your web 3 wallet on the Polygon chain.
1a) At the beginning you have to install the Metamask addon in your browser. Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Edge, Opera. After the installation secure your wallet with a password and write down your seed phrase.
1b) After successfully installed and secured your Metamask wallet, you have to add Polygon
Go to polygonscan.com and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Now click “Add Polygon Network”.

Once you clicked the button you get a notification by Metamask and just have to approve the process. After that, you immediately will be switched Polygon’s network and should close this dialog.
Do you need further support?
a) Youtube Video: You will find a short video how to create your MetaMask wallet.
b) Learn more about MetaMask and how easy it is to use at https://metamask.io.
c) For using Metamask on a mobile phone you need to use the MetaMask application’s built-in browser. Find a detailed description here.
If you are facing any issues, add the network manually according to the steps given here.

Step 2: Insert your wallet address in the YieldNodes account
Once you have set up the Polygon network into your Metamask wallet, you have to enter the Metamask wallet address in your YieldNodes account and will then receive your YieldNodes NFT directly into your wallet. To ensure a meticulous review of every claim, we have implemented a manual process. Kindly anticipate a maximum of 72 hours for the delivery of your NFT to the assigned address.
(Please note the hash written on the YieldNodes NFT certificate is for internal YieldNodes purposes related to the account and not a polygon or any other wallet address!)

To complete the connection process you will have to unlock your metamask wallet.

6. Buy YieldNodes NFTs
If you want to become a YieldNoder and want to buy or trade NFTs on opensea, please find more information here
You can trade and buy NFTs especially distributed for YieldNoders on all marketplaces like e.g. opensea. Once you have your polygon wallet you can search for YieldNode NFTs on the NFT marketplaces if any existing YieldNodes account holder is offering the NFT there.
YieldNodes will provide a link to NFTs tradable here soon. There is also in preparation a dedicated NFT marketplace to trade the Yielnode NFTs.
The NFT can also be traded privately and transferred from one user to another.